(*: with co-authors, K: in Korean, E: in English, C: in Chinese, J: in Japanese, R: in Russian, S: in Spanish, F: in French, G: in German, T: in Turkish, M: in Mongolian, V: in Vietnamese)

  • 1970 A Study of Causative and Passive Constructions in Korean. Kugo yon’gu, M. A. theses series 26. Department of Korean, SNU. 1978 Seoul: T’aehaksa Pub. Co., 356p. 1999 Seoul: Jipmundang, 286p. K
  • 1973 Chinese Characters in a Hurry. Language Research Institute, SNU. 1985 revised, Seoul: Pan Korea Book Corp., 51p. K
  • 1974 Standard Korean for Japanese, Book II, (Part for Grammar and Translation), Tokyo: Koma publishing Co., 367p. J
  • 1978 Middle Korean Tonology, Doctoral Dissertation, Ann Arbor: Xerox University Microfilms. E, 1979 Seoul: Hanshin Publishing Co., 266p. E, revised, 2007 Seoul: Hankook-munhwasa, 248p. E
  • 1983 *Issues on the Language Planning in Korea, Seoul: Ilchisa Publishing Co., 301p. K
  • 1983 *The Korean Language, Seoul: Sisayongosa, 276p. E
  • 1984 *Korean Phonology, Seoul: Hakyonsa Publishing Co., 292p. K
  • 1989 *A New Introduction to Linguistics, Seoul: Kaemunsa Publishing Co., 362p. K
  • 1992 *Modern Morphology, Seoul: Hakyonsa Publishing Co., 308p. K
  • 1992 *Korean Through English I, II, III, Seoul: The Ministry of Culture and Sports/Hollym Publishing Co., I 138p., II 140p., III 189p. E
  • 1993 *Korean Through Chinese I, II, III, Seoul: Hollym Publishing Co., I 130p., II 142p., III 179p. C
  • 1994 *Korean Through Japanese I, II, III, Seoul: Hollym Publishing Co., I 142p., II 196p., III 201p. J
  • 1994 Four Areas of Korean Orthography: Discussions on Spelling, Standard Language, Loan Words, Romanization. Seoul: Seoul National Univ. Press, 244p. K
  • 1995 Basic Korean Dictionary: Korean-English/English-Korean. Seoul: The Ministry of Culture andSports/Hollym Publishing Co., 436p. E
  • 1995 *Korean Through Russian I, II, III, Seoul: Hollym Publishing Co., I 131p., II 144p., III 180p. R
  • 1996 *Korean Through Spanish I, II, III, Seoul: Hollym Publishing Co., I 131p., II 140p., III 176p. S
  • 1997 *Korean Through French I, II, III, Seoul: Hollym Publishing Co., I 122p., II 140p., III 170p. F
  • 1997 * (with Ik-Sop Lee and Wan Ch’ae) The Korean Language, Seoul: Shingumunhwasa Publishing Co., 364p. K.
  • 1998 *Method and Practice of Teaching Korean as a Foreign Language, Seoul: Korean BroadcastingUniversity Press. 623p. K
  • 1998 *Korean Through English (Revised Edition in 1998) I, II, III, Seoul: Hollym Publishing Co., I 138p., II140p., III 189p. E
  • 1998 A Traditional Residential Architecture in Seoul , Seoul: Hollym. 168p. K/E
  • 1999 A Study of Causative and Passive Constructions in Korean, Seoul: Chipmundang. 286p. K
  • 1999 Methods and Practices of Korean Language Education (for Foreigners), Seoul: Korea Open University Press. 623p. E
  • 2000 *Korean Phonology (rev.), Seoul: Hakyonsa Publishing Co. 407p. K
  • 2001 Studies in Korean Quantitative Linguistics, Seoul: Seoul National University Press. K
  • 2003 *Kore dili / İ İk.sop, İ Sang.ok, Çae Van ; çev. Sultan Ferah Akpınar, Baski: Aydogdu, ⅹⅲ, p.478 T (Turkish Translation of 1997 *The Korean Language, Seoul: Shingumunhwasa Publishing Co., 364p. K)
  • 2003 *The Lexical Diffusion of Sound Change in Korean and Sino-Korean, Journal of Chinese Linguistics, Monograph Series No. 20, 218p. E
  • 2006 Introduction to Linguistics, Seoul: Hagyeonsa Publishing Co. K
  • 2006 A Study on Real Colloquial Seoul Korean, Seoul: Pagijong Press. 247p. K
  • 2006 Written Plainly to be Understood by Everyone ‘Humin-jeongeum,’ ed. by the National Institute of the Korean Language, 160p. E
  • 2007 Contrastive Phonology between Sino-Korean vs. Cantonese and Meixian (Hakka), in 2007 *Promenades in Language 언어학 산책 To Honor Professor Chin-Woo Kim. Essays on the Occasion of His Retirement. Seoul: Hankookmunhwasa, 415-431. E.
  • 2007 Lexical Diffusion of Korean Nominals since the Fifteenth Century, Seoul: Seoul National University Press, 340p. K
  • 2008 *韩国语概论 (张光军, 江波 译 Zhang, Guangjun; Jiang, Bo) 世界图书出版公司北京公 司, 310p. C (Chinese Translation of 1997 The Korean Language, 364p. K)
  • 2008 You Can Learn the Korean Alphabet in One Morning, Seoul:Sotong Press, 100p. E
  • 2008 Korean Language and Culture, Seoul:Sotong Press, 480p., 2011 revised ed. E
  • 2008 <알기 쉽게 풀어 쓴> 훈민정음 (Утгыг тайлж хялбаршуулсан) Хунмин жонг ым, 국립국어원 편, 160p. (한국어-몽골어 대역본, 번역:성비락, 교정:델렉 냠 엥흐자야) M
  • 2008 <알기 쉽게 풀어 쓴> 훈민정음󰡕(Tim hieu noi dung cua) Huan Dàn Chinh Âm 국 립국어원 편, 156p., [94] (베트남어 교정:꾸억바오, 번역:다우티미칸) V
  • 2010 *Contemporary Korean Linguistics:International Perspectives, Kyŏnggi-do P’aju- si:Taehaksa, 2010. xii, p.414p. ; Also other co-edition:in honor of professor Sang-Oak Lee / edited by Robert J. Fouser, xvi, 423p. E
  • 2012 *Korean Through English, New Edition (1st Edition in 1992, 2nd in 1998) Book One, Seoul:Hollym, 184p. E
  • 2013 *Korean Through English, New Edition (1st Edition in 1992, 2nd in 1998) Book Two, Seoul:Hollym, 232p. E
  • 2013 Korean Language and Culture 韓国語と韓国文化, Seoul:Sotong Press, 446p. J
  • 2014 Korean Language and Culture 韩国语及韩国文化, Seoul:Sotong Press, 436p. C
  • 2014 Ingenious Designer Sejong : the Hidden Code in Designing Hangeul, Seoul: Youkrack, 176p. K & E.
  • 2017 *A Dictionary of Korean Morphs from 1446 to1900, Seoul: Seoul National University Press, 427p. K


  • 1972 Causativity and Passivity of Korean Verbs. Language Research 8.2, 44-59. K
  • 1977 Autosegmental Phonology and the Korean Language. Festschrift for Dr. Lee Sung-Nyong. Seoul: Tower Press, 265-290. K
  • 1977 Conspiracy in Korean Phonology Revisited:As Applied to Historical Data. Studies in the Linguistic Science 7.2, 1-23; Also 1978 Conspiracy in Korean Phonology Revisited: From A Diachronic Point of View. Papers in Korean Linguistics, ed. by Chin-W Kim, Hornbeam Press Inc. 45-57. E
  • 1979 Remarks on Tone in Middle Korean, Korea Journal 19.2, 11-19. E
  • 1979 On the Origin of Middle Korean Tone, Language Research 15.1, 61-81. E
  • 1979 Some Topics on Pitch Assignment Rules in Middle Korean. Korean Linguistics 8, 51-57. E
  • 1979 The Typology of the Tonal System in Middle Korean-An Intermediate between a Tonal System and a Pitch-Accent System, Journal of Korea University of Studies on the Humanities 24, 1-16. E
  • 1979 Tone and Length. Language Research 15.2, 123-139. K
  • 1980 Studies on the Caustive and Passive Prefinal Suffixes. Papers in the Korean Language and Literature, Korea University 21, 121-138. K
  • 1981 On the Universality of a Tone Association Convention, Linguistic Journal of Korea 6.2, 17-22. E
  • 1981 On the Romanization System of the Korean Language. Language and Linguistics, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies 7, 15-48. K
  • 1982 The Theory of Altaic Languages and Korean. Korea Journal 22.1 [Guest Editor: Sang Oak Lee], 14-19. E
  • 1982 Romanizing Korean ’82. Linguistic Journal of Korea 7.1, 165-198. K
  • 1982 On Glossolalia. Linguistics in the Morning Calm, ’81-SICOL Proceedings, ed. by the Linguistic Society of Korea, Seoul: Hanshin Publishing Co., 551-557. E
  • 1982 The Koreanization of Foreign Words. Mal, Yonsei University 7.1, 49-67. K
  • 1982 The Second Best Compromise: The National Academy of Science’ Proposal on Romanization of Korean. Korea Journal 22.8, 5-15. E
  • 1983 A Study on the Effective Education of the Language for the Korean Children Abroad (Part for USA).Journal of the Korean Society of Bilingualism 1, 28-93. K
  • 1983 Issues on the Mechanization of Writing System in Korean. Issues on the Language Planning in Korea, Seoul: Ilchisa Publishing Co., 255-301. K
  • 1983 Problem Areas in Korean Orthography. Language Research 19.2, 123-137. K
  • 1984 So-called “Metrical Strength Counting”: A Review on The Quantitative Solution of Linguistic Problems, Hangeul 186. 173-198. K
  • 1984 An Overview of Issues in the Vowel System and Vowel Harmony of Korean, Language Research 20.4, 417-451. E
  • 1985 Perturbation and Decay of Tonal System in the Late Middle Korean. Korea Journal 25.6 [Guest Editor: Sang Oak Lee],14-18. E
  • 1986 Quantitative Linguisitics (Lexical Part): PhonologicalㆍMorphologicalㆍ Semantic Structure of Lexicon, Linguistic Journal of Korea 11.2. 323-339. K
  • 1986 Vowel Harmony and Diphthongs, Festschrift for Professor Kim Minsu, A New Study of Korean Linguistics, Seoul: Tower Press. 89-102. K
  • 1986 An Explanation of Syllable Structure Change in Korean: with Special Reference to Vennemann‘s Preference Laws”, Language Research 22.2, 195-213 & also in Studies in the Linguistic Sciences 16.2.(Illinois Studies in Korean Linguistics ed. by Chin-W. Kim) 121-133. E
  • 1987 Appearance of Tone and Voiced Consonants in Pre-Old Korean, Korean Linguistics 16. 261-300. K
  • 1987 A Report on The Joint Program of Seoul National University-UCLA Language and Culture Training Project in Korea, Journal of the Korean Society of Bilingualism 3, 109-193. K
  • 1987 Modern Phonological Theories and Problems in Korean Phonology, Linguistic Journal of Korea 12.1,380-397. K
  • 1988 Recent Studies in Korean Phonology Based on Modern Phonological Theories, Seoul Journal of Korean Studies 1, 101-111. E
  • 1989 Issues in the Mechanization of the Korean Writing System, Seoul Journal of Korean Studies 2, 107-125. E.
  • 1989 An Overview on the Discussions of Vowel System and Vowel Harmony in Korean: Disharmony in the Hypotheses of Vowel Harmony, Duksung Emunhak 6, 10-146. K
  • 1989 A Study of MorphologicalㆍPhonological Structure in Korean Lexicon: A Quantitative Linguistic Survey, Language Research 25.1.111-128. K
  • 1989 How about this Explanation on the Reason of Syllable Structure Change, Festschrift for Professor Jeong Yeonchan, Seoul: T’aehaksa Publishing Co., 203-210. K
  • 1989 An Explanation on the Reason of Syllable Structure Change in Korean: In Reference to ProfessorVennemann’s Preference Law, Festschrift for Professor Lee Hyesook, Seoul: Hanshin Pub. 275-190. K
  • 1989 North Korean Romanization, Speech and Writing in North Korea, Seoul: Ulyumunhwasa, 116-125. K
  • 1989 A Glottometrical Study of Korean Lexicon, Harvard Studies in Korean Linguistics III, Dept. of Linguistics, Harvard Univ., Seoul: Hanshin Pub. 159-166. E
  • 1990 Tone. In the Department of Korean at Seoul National Univ. ed. Where has the Korean Linguistics arrived? Seoul : Tong-a Pub.,128-138. K
  • 1990 A Glottometrical Study of Korean Lexicon. Festschrift for Prof. Kang Shin-Hang, T’aehaksa Publishers, 331-346. K
  • 1990 Functional Load of Sound Changing Rules in Modern Korean. Language Research 26.3. 441-467. K
  • 1991 Issues in the Present Code for Korean Spelling. Festschrift for Prof. U In-Sop, Hanil Publishing Co.,Seoul, 35-46. K
  • 1991 Suprasegmental Parsing in Speech Recognition based on Prosodic Phonology. Festschrift for Prof. Kim Wanjin, Seoul: Minumsa Pub., 222-237. K
  • 1992 North Korean Lexicology and Lexicography. Language Research 28.3, 599-619. K
  • 1992 Generative Phonology. In Yong-Kun Ko et al ed. A Hundred Years of Studying the Korean Linguistics I: Phonetics, etc. Ilchogak, Seoul, 50-61. K
  • 1992 Graphical Ingenuity in the Korean Writing System: with New Reference to Calligraphy, The 8th International Conference on on Korean Linguistics with a Special Symposium on the Writing System. E
  • 1993 Korean Phonetics in Plain Terms. Sae Kugosaenghwal (National Korean Language Center) 3.1, 208-232. K
  • 1993 An Analysis of Idoimatic Expressions and Compounds and their Lexical Treatment. Language Research 29.3, 327-344. K
  • 1993 North Korean Lexicology and Lexicography: For reconciliation of Differences with the South,” Seoul Journal of Korean Studies 6, 165-186. E
  • 1993 On the Functional Load of Syntactic Phenomena: A Quantitative Survey in Modern Korean. Festschrift for Professor Ahn Byeonghwi, Munhak- gwa Jiseong, 475-487. K
  • 1993 Essence, Field and Task of Science, College Reader of Korean, Seoul: Seoul National University Press. K
  • 1994 Teaching Korean Linguistics and Language in America. In the Society of Korean Linguistics and Literature ed. Internationalization of Korean Linguistics and Literature, Gugeogukmunhak Special Edition, Seoul: Samjiwon, 216-245. K
  • 1994 Goldsmith’s Cognitive Phonology. In Suk-jin Chang ed. Where does Modern Linguistics go now?Hanshin Publishing Co., Seoul, 503-517.K
  • 1994 Semantic Typology of Frozen Expressions. The 9th International Conference on Korean Linguistics (ICKL) at Centre for Korean Studies, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. 97. E
  • 1995 Adjustment of Vowel Length in Korean Speech at Different Speeds. Korean Studies, (The Center for Korean Studies, University of Hawaii) 19, 162-173. E
  • 1995 Linguistic Cleansing in North Korea. Korea Observer (The Institute of Korean Studies) 26.4, 601-616. K
  • 1995 An Analysis of Idiomatic Expressions and their Treatment in the Lexicon. Inmunnonch’ong (College of Humanities, Seoul National Univ.) 34, 1-44. K
  • 1996 Recognition of Proverbs: A Comparison across Four languages. Essays in Honor of Ki-Moon Lee,Seoul: Shin-gu Publishing Co., 501-516. K
  • 1997 Graphical Ingenuity in the Korean Writing System: With New Reference to Calligraphy. In Young-KeyKim-Renaud ed., The Korean Alphabet:
    Its History and Structure. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. 107-116. E
  • 1997 Ancillary Cultural Materials for TKFL – Teaching Method and Evaluation of Korean Language. Proceedings of The International Association for Korean Language Education, the 7th International Conference in Memory of the 600th Anniversary of King Sejong, 81-82. E
  • 1998 On the Functional Load of Syntactic Phenomena in Three-dimensional Linguistics: A Quantitative Survey in Modern Korean. Language Research 34.4, 693-707. E
  • 1998 Necessity of Dual System of the Korean Romanization. Occasional Papers No, 1 ‘Romanization of Korean’ published by Lingua Koreana Society, 39-70.
  • 1998 Lexical Modernization and its Implication for the Reunification of the Two Koreans,“ Thr 4th Pacific and Asia Conference on Korean Studies ’Korea Between Tradition and Modernity, Centre for Korean Research, The University of British Columbia, 58-59.’
  • 1999 A Study of Lexical Diffusion in Korean. Language Research 35.2, 231-289. E1999 A Study of Lexical Diffusion in Korean and Sino-Korean. Inmunnonch’ong (The Journal of Humanities, Institute of Humanities, Seoul National Univ.) 41, 59-109. K
  • 1999 “Sociolinguistic Characteristics of the Korean Language: Honorifics,” Methods and Practices of Korean Language Education (for Foreigners), Seoul: Korea Open University Press. 135-161. K
  • 2000 Quantitative Research on Suffixes and Grammatical Patterns in Present-Day Korean, (Part 1), The Journal of Humanities, Institute of Humanities, Seoul National Univ.) 44, 119-150. K
  • 2000 An Analysis of Late Modern Seoul Speech: Lower-class Language in Hahn Moo-Sook’s Novel, “Infected Fingers,” “And So Flows History,” and “Encounter.” Studies in Seoul Dialect 1, 123-149. K
  • 2000 A Comparative Study on the Frequency of Allophones, Phonemes and Letters in Korean, Journal of Cognitive Science 1.1, 137-164. K
  • 2001 The Present State of Korean Romanization System in Y2K — Case of Fugitive G: Why to K?, Korea Journal 41, 246-267, Korean National Commission for the UNESCO. E Also in Quantitative Linguistics 1, 9-28. K
  • 2001 On the Functional Load of Phonetic and Phonological Constraints in Three-dimensional KoreanLinguistics, Studies in Phonetics, Phonology and Morphology, 7.1, 125-152. K
  • 2001 A Study of Late Modern Seoul Speech in Modern Korean Literature, Studies on Seoul, 17. 131-177. K
  • 2001 Quantitative Research on Suffixes and Grammatical Patterns in Present-Day Korean, LanguageResearch 37, 267-292. E
  • 2001 Quantitative Research on Suffixes and Grammatical Patterns in Present-Day Korean, (Part 2), The Journal of Humanities (Institute of Humanities, Seoul National Univ.) 45, 1-21, K
  • 2001 Contrastive Analysis on the Frequency of Korean Allophones, Phonemes and Letters, The Journal ofSpeech Sciences 8.3, 51-73. K
  • 2001 Quantitative Research on Listing Chinese Characters of Everyday Use in Korea, China and Japan,Gwanak eomun yeon-gu (The Department of Korean, Seoul National Univ.) 26, 107-145. K
  • 2002 Contrastive Analysis of Rankings of Lexical Frequency, Seoul Journal of Korean Studies 15, 3-17. E2002 Graphemic Creativity in the Korean Alphabet, Koh Young-geun et al. ed. Grammar and Text, Seoul: Seoul National University Press. 47-60. E
  • 2003 A Search for Korean Origins through Genetic and Comparative Linguistic Methods, The Journal ofHumanities (Institute of Humanities, Seoul National Univ.) 48, 109-145. K
  • 2003 A Contrastive Study of Tense Systems between Korean, German and English,” In Sang-Oak Lee ed. Korean &/or Corpus Linguistics, Proceedings of ICKL-TU Berlin International Conference on Korean/Corpus Linguistics, 21-23 July 2003, Seoul: Kyungjin Pub. 366. E
  • 2003 The Reason why Kyushu should be Major Base of the Korean Studies, Gwanak eomun yeon-gu (The Department of Korean, Seoul National Univ.) 28, 53-67. K
  • 2003 An Analysis of Lexical Diffusion in Korean, Journal of Chinese Linguistics, Monograph Series No. 20, 1-95. E
  • 2004 Empirical Discourse in the Korean Language Education Field – Realities and Improvement Plans in the Overseas and Domestic Korean Language Education field, Gwanak eomunyeon-gu (The Department of Korean, Seoul National Univ.) 29, 51-63. K
  • 2004 Lexical Diffusion of Korean Nominals since the 15th Century, Inquiries into Korean Linguistics I, Seoul: Taehaksa, 11-25. E
  • 2004 Contrastive Study on Passive Expressions in Korean and Japanese: A Basic Approach from Korean,” The Annual Report, Research Center for Korean Studies of Kyushu University 3·4, 19-64. K
  • 2005 Preferred Colors in Various Cultures based on Lexical Frequency: Comparison among Korean, English, French, Russian, Romanian, Chinese, Japanese, and Mongolian, The 30th Anniversary Publication of International Circle of Korean Linguistics. Seoul: Pagijong Press. 185-210. E
  • 2006 Phonology in ‘Complexity’: Contrast between Sino-Korean and antonese, Inquiries into KoreanLinguistics II, Taehaksa, 235-246. E
  • 2006 Continuing the Legacy of Hyecho’s Scholarly Passage to India, The 8th Pacific Asia Conference on Korean Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. E
  • 2006 Understanding ‘Humin-jeongeum’ (訓民正音 The Correct Sounds for the Instruction of the People),” 71-87. Written Plainly to be Understood by Everyone ‘Humin-jeongeum,’ ed. by the National Institute of the Korean Language, E
  • 2007 Contrastive Phonology between Sino-Korean vs. Cantonese and Meixian(Hakka), in 2007 *Promenades in Language 언어학 산책 To Honor Professor Chin-Woo Kim. Essays on the Occasion of His Retirement. Seoul: Hankookmunhwasa, 415-431. E.
  • 2009 “The Korean Alphabet:An Optimal Featural System with Graphical Ingenuity,” Written Language and Literacy 12.2, [Special Issue – Guest Editor: Sang Oak Lee] Amsterdam:John Benjamin, 202-212. E
  • 2009 “Trends in the Western Linguistics and its Application to the Korean Linguistics, Orbis Sapientiae 6. (Seoul: Acanet), 272-287. K
  • 2010 “Contrastive Phonology between Cantonese, Hakka and Sino-Korean, and between Cantonese and Sino-Japanese,” in Contemporary Korean Linguistics : International Perspectives, (ed. by Sang-Oak Lee), Kyŏnggi- do P’aju-si: Taehaksa, 385-414. E
  • 2011 “Not Copy but Envy:The Korean Alphabet Did not Imitate Mongol ’Phags-pa but Was Invented with Graphical Originality,” Inquiries into Korean Linguistics IV, Kyŏnggi-do P’aju-si:Taehaksa, 143-164. (ed. by James H.-S. Yoon et al.) E
  • 2014 “Proverbial homogeneity:A cross-linguistic examination of Korean and Indonesian:With reference to English and Chinese proverbs,” Korean Linguistics 16.1, Amsterdam:John Benjamin, 63-81. E
  • 2017 “The Most Referred Colors in Various Cultures Based on Lexical Frequecy: Korean Compared with English, German, and Eight Other Languages (rev.). Lingua Humanitatis 19.1: 171-203. E
  • 2018 “A Comaparative Study of Four Syllabi Idioms(故事成語) in Korea, China and Japan.” Annual Report of Professors Emeriti, Seoul National University 14: 52-57. K
  • 2019 “Ubiquity/omnipresence of Uneven distribution: The L-shaped concentration phenomenon is common in many fields.” Annual Report of Professors Emeriti, Seoul National University 15: 49-60. K
  • 2023 “Good Use Plan for Conversational Artificial Intelligence, ChatGPT & BingChat and Bard.” Annual Report of Professors Emeriti, Seoul National University 19:21-34. K
  • 2024  The Netherlands’ Semiconductor Alliance is a Déjà-vu for the Export of Arita Porcelain in the 17th Century, Seoul National University Honorary Professors’ Association Newsletter, 17 (Spring 2024), 7-8. K
  • 2024  The Leader of Academics and University Life, Professor Lee Soong-Nyeong, and Vowel Research.  A Collection of Essays Commemorating the 30th Anniversary of Mr. Simak Lee Sungnyeong, p. 11.


  • 1972 Anthony V. Vandesande & Francis Y. T Park, Myongdo’s Korean ’68: Part I & II, Language Teaching 4.1, 53-62.
  • 1989 Lee Keuk-no (1947), Korean Phonetics with Experimental Diagram, Jusigyeong Hakbo 3. 119-137.
  • 1993 Samuel Martin (1993), A Reference Grammar of Korean, Seoul Journal of Korean Studies 6, 215-216.


  • 1979 Current Papers in Linguistics 7.152p.
  • 1982 Korean Studies in Australia, Korea Journal 22.1. 67p.
  • 1982 Romanization of Korean, Korea Journal 22.8. 77p.
  • 1985 Korean Phonology, Korea Journal 25.6. 77p.
  • 1987 Papers in Korean Phonetics, Pan Korea Book Co. 155p.
  • 1997 Korea Observer (The Institute of Korean Studies) 28.4. 525-707p
  • 1998 Proceedings: The Third Pacific and Asia Conference on Korean Studies, July 1996 held at The University of Sydney, Australia, 한국학논 총. Seoul: Han’guk-munhwasa. 320p. K
  • 1998 Perspectives on Korea, <The 3rd PACKS> Sydney: Wild Peony. 608p. E
  • 2000 Studies in Seoul Korean, Vol. 1, Seoul: Pagijeong Press. 247p.2001 Quantitative Linguistics, Vol. 1, Seoul: Pagijeong Press. 289p.
  • 2002 Studies in Seoul Korean, Vol. 2, Seoul: Pagijeong Press. 281p.
  • 2003 Quantitative Linguistics, Vol. 2, Seoul: Pagijeong Press. 459p.
  • 2003 Korean &/or Corpus Linguistics, Proceedings of ICKL-TU Berlin International Conference on Korean/Corpus Linguistics, 21-22 July 2003, Seoul: Gyeonjinmunhwasa. 470p.
  • 2003 The Lexical Diffusion of Soun Change in Korean and Sino-Korean, Journal of Chinese Linguistics, Monograph Series No. 20, 218p.
  • 2004 Quantitative Linguistics, Vol. 3, Seoul: Pagijeong Press. 296p.
  • 2004 Pathways into Korean Language and Culture, Seoul: Pagijong Press. 662p.
  • 2004 Inquiries into Korean Linguistics I, Seoul: Thaehaksa. 324p. (=The Ninth International Conference on Korean Linguistics, ICKL at Colakli/Antalya, Turkey)
  • 2005 Proceedings: The Thirtieth Anniversary Conference of International Circle of Korean Linguistics, Seoul: Pagijeong Press. 425p.
  • 2009 Special Issue: Writing Systems and Linguistic Structure. Written Language and Literacy 12.2,[Guest Editor: Sang Oak Lee] Amsterdam : John Benjamin, 159-212.


  • 2006 The Fifty-fifth Seoul City Award of Culture in Humanities